Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Hallowe'en

They came in their hundreds.

They came in their costumes.

They came with eyes sparkling with mischief. And with candy.

It was Halloween, all Hallows Eve, and the ghosts and the goblins were out. As was the Swine Flu. In fact more people came disguised as the swine flu than any other costume this year.

And that is how it should be. Halloween is the time of year for us to face our most dreaded fears, and mock them. It isn't a celebration of dread, it is a purging of dread.

Afraid of death? Then become the dead, for just one night. And dance. And eat candy. Revel.

And they did. From babes in carriages to teens with barely any disguise at all.

And for once, it didn't rain on their parade, nor was it too cold for their constumes to be on display. No mother covering the wolfman or the princess with heavy winter coats.

"Trick or Treat! Shell Out Shell Out The Witches Are Out!

With thoughts for my daughter Heather whose children couldn't Trick or Treat this year. And my daughter Kathy whose son also is sidelined. All with the H1N1. Perfect timing guys!


Natalie, at Musings from the Deep, had a suggestion she asked me to pass along:

"Barry, a few weeks ago, i did a post about sending healing energy to you, and other blog sufferers who were unwell.In my post, i suggested a few moments every time we logged on to do our posts, dedicated to sending healing and love.If we all did this, think of the healing generated! Sadly,only a few people responded. Maybe because your blog has more exposure, you could remind people."

To join her squad, CLICK HERE