Linda and I are off today to Toronto General Hospital for me to have an MRI scan of my backbone and pelvic cradle. This is not a test I was informed about or was anticipating, but obviously my surgeon flexed her not inconsiderable muscle and got me squeezed in at 2 pm today. Phase one in trying to determine what the heck form of cancer does Barry have now?
Soon be be a Parlour Game from Hasbro.
Later in the week I will be going to Toronto Western Hospital for a major biopsy which will give more definitive answers to this not inconsiderable question. By the end of the week I will know my fate. If it is the spred of my esophageal cancer to my spine, there is not much they can do for me. If it is a migration of the lymphoma, the future is much more hopeful.
But my thoughts are not on the test that awaits me this afternoon, or what the results of that test might be. I am remembering the wonderful experiences Linda and I had yesterday at the Guild Alive With Culture Festival.
This is an annual event held on the grounds of the Guild. It features rows and rows of art work, pottery, jewelry, books, weaving, clothing and many many other crafts.
The weather this year co-operated and the event was bigger and better than ever. Bands were playing, story tellers were in fine voice. There was a special play area for the children.
Linda and I moved from booth to booth, talking with the artists and spending money.
The Organic Market was also in full swing with many tents selling a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, honeys and preserves.
Your might remember the Greek Theatre stage from my Friday Shoot Out. During the festival it was alive with bands and story tellers. Here is a video I shot of A Native Canadian recounting the Creation Myth of her people. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
For more on the festival, you might want to visit Linda's blog.
The Sweet Smell of Nothing
4 hours ago