Patty and Reggie Girl have organized the Friday Photo Shoot Out asking us to post photos of our local community every Friday. From a handful of participants it has grown into a world wide phenomenon. This week's theme, chosen by Gordon, is to post photos of things that are RED.
There are links to all the Friday Shoot Out participants from literally around the world at the bottom of my left panel. Maybe you'd like to join us as well and post photos of your community? Click here for everything you need to know to join the Friday Shootout Gang. Then let me know so I can add your names to the list. Next weeks theme is "Water".
I live in Toronto, in the Scarborough area of Toronto, in the West Hill area of Scarborough. So West Hill will be the focus of my photos.
Just some random shots of objects coloured red in my neighbourhood--
So we'll start with my local drug store.
A neighbour's car.
Where snail mail goes.
A sign to obey.
A tree on my next door neighbour's front lawn.
Japanese Red Maple at the front of my house.
Tulips a little past their prime but still vibrant in my garden.
And, of course, you can't have a theme about the colour red without including a couple of Canadian icons (I mean the flag not Linda)--
I cheated on the Mounty. I doubt Mounties in dress uniform have ever been in West Hill. In plain clothes conducting drug raids yes. In ceremonial dress no. This was shot on a recent visit to Ottawa.
Snowbanks Gone for Now
18 hours ago