In September of 1999 a tiny, black nosed, waggy tailed, floppy eared, feisty little bundle of energy, love and voracious appetite came into our lives and transformed them.
It is hard to believe how that tiny bundle of fur would grow and the adventures she would take us on. We were to come to learn just how many burrs two doggy ears could extract from the local environment. We would also come to learn why most owners of English Springer Spaniels have their dog's tails bobbed. Any burrs not collected by her ears, as she sticks her curious black wet nose into any bushes she finds, are promptly swept up by her ever wagging tail.
That she has been part of our lives for ten years now is hard to believe. That there was a time when she wasn't part of our family is also hard to credit. So here's to you Lindsay, a whole decade of life now under your collar (that's 70 human years) yet still as feisty and energetic as ever, may life always be a glorious adventure for you, and may you always take us along for the ride!
Or, at least, the run. Here is a beautiful little video I shot on Saturday of Lindsay and I out for a run together. Yes, I said run. Still a little stiff and ungainly, but that is me running, not a stunt double. And, of course, that black blur going past me isn't the wind, that's Lindsay!
Happy Tenth Birthday to you girl!
Caturday 77: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
10 hours ago