As I'm sure you know, the news we received about my health in the past week has made this one of the most stressful times in the most stressful year of our lives. And stress isn't our friend. Not Linda's friend, not my friend. Not your friend.
So we've decided we need a break. We need to get out of here, to get totally away from Toronto, away from cancer doctors, away from hospitals, away from endless appointments that need booked and rebooked, away from endless hours spent in aptly named Waiting Rooms.
So we've done a little therapeutic booking of our own, a week at the Delta Grandview Resort in Huntsville Ontario. Where life can slow down a little. Where we can walk miles of forested trails under the Fall canopy of coloured leaves, can swim in their massive pool, get pampered in their spa, watch the stars from their observatory, exercise, eat the healthiest of foods, browse the shops in Town and put thoughts of cancer and death and hospitals and oncologists and CT scans and treatments totally out of our mind for a while.
Laugh maybe.
Read a good book. Or a bad one.
Chill out, in other words.
And be together, just the two of us. The way we were when we began this journey together back in 1970, fresh out of college, my Dodge Valiant loaded with all our belongings, its nose also pointed toward the North; but even further North than Huntsville. All of Life's adventure still before us.
So on Monday morning we are pointing the car North once again and leaving the city far behind us.
We are taking a laptop with us but won't be doing much in the way of posting. Although we might peek now and then.
But, in the meantime, don't expect to hear much from us until next weekend.
When you'll be asking yourself, who are those two cool cats over there, so totally mellowed out, without a care in the world? Why, it's Barry and Linda! They look ten years younger.
I wonder what their secret is?
PS Yes Grandview is where the G8 and G20 Summits are being held next year. We hope there aren't secret service types already hiding behind every tree and confiscating all our photos in the name of national secruity. lol
Caturday 77: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
10 hours ago